Thursday, November 4, 2010

I Am So Pumped Right Now!!!!!!! EXCLAMATION POINTS!!!!!!!!!


Today was amazing!
First let me reflect on tonight's Vampire Diaries "Rose." Ahhhhh it was so beautiful. You should've seen me when there was fifteen minutes left. I was pleading with the television; the cutest and saddest "Please" you will ever hear. So...when Damon...SPOILERS AHEAD! SKIP TO NEXT PARAGRAPH IF YOU DON'T WANT TO READ ABOUT THE VAMPIRE DIARIES "ROSE." I cried, I mean, I bawled when Damon told Elena he isn't deserving of her...the sweetest thing ever!! I literally fell to my knees, wrapped my arms around my stomach, and sobbed (silently)...sound familiar?? Ahhhh I'm on such a sweet high (not drugs losers). I was so touched and humbled and had a sweet gahhh moment...swoon...the whole episode just rocked...

My day was pretty AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

First off, TWO guys held doors open for me before 10:30 this morning! A couple more did throughout the day!!

My chupacabra speech went AWESOME!! Everyone loved my British accent and I even got my prof to smile! And I got good reviews!!!

And in Global Lit, I got assigned a 7-10 page research paper due next Thursday. Class was fun though! I actually found out the topic and had help with my thesis and lost my ring and found it and my teacher was awesome!

My room is still unlocked due to my roomie losing her keys for the third time...

I am home. For the CONCERTS! And we're going to MOA!!

I can't stop repeating "Holy holy holy" because the VD Forums went through 75 pages of posts in EIGHT hours!!!!! Jeez!! lol I was readig through posts about the whole Elena/staircase thing and they were just eating it up! I have been trying so hard to not laugh out loud and wake everyone up because they ain't seen nothin' yet!!
But now they have and there's TONS of :crylots:

My day has been fantastic! We stopped at B&N. I am just so happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


So much to be thankful for!!! God you are AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

God Bless!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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