Hello all!!
Guess what!!
I WON GROCERY BINGO! It was super cool! IT was postage stamp, too! Some other guy won as well and we were to name our hardest class. I chose "Introduction to Literary Scholarship" and the other guy chose some Marketing Research and Statistics. WAY harder than my class! Squeeee!!!!!!!!! Yet I got the most cheers!!! :D :D :D :D
In my Hornbackers bag I got Barrel O'Fun Cheddar and Bacon chips, Cool Mint Oreos, Wheat Thins, Buttered Popcorn, an Apple, an Orange, Hi-C, Generic Cap'n Crunch, and fruit snacks!!!
I admit I was asking God for help, and help came!! I was so totally praising Him!! Which I realized I should do all the time, even when I lose. Because He is an Awesome God like that ;) .
Today was cool.
I got to sleep in. Turned in an essay. Met a cute guy in class. Got to know more people in Intro to Lit class. We discussed The Great Gatsby. In my group, we discussed how Gatsby was always searching for happiness. That was his main reason for living? He wanted Daisy to which he associated with happiness. I could go on. The money didn't make him happy, his lavish parties didn't make him happy, the people there didn't make him happy. And his shady business isn't making him happy. See!
So...after class I ate lunch. I went by myself and secured the end of a table. Ran into Julia. Then Tina sat down nearby when I was seated because she left her stuff there when I went to go get food. Great food today!! S'mores and eclair puffs and stir fry and fries!! Yum! And hot cocoa!
I'm in a good mood.
What did I do after lunch?...Oh! I worked on my German ABC book for a couple hours! And had Vampire Knight 2 on.
Then I...cleaned! And recycled! And organized. OH! And wrote my cover letter for applying to be an RA. Danielle says it's funny in a good way. O_o
And whilst I was doing that, I was watching Yu-Gi-Oh The Cancelled series. The six episodes I hadn't seen. :) So now I'm all caught up. *sighs* They are so funny. I kind of want to watch them again. OH! I also watched the first episode in the next Vampire Knight series online. In ENGLISH. Best language. Ever. :)
Dinner was with Allie (SHE came to ME!). And Julia. We used her table while she read. Apparently I salt EVERYTHING! :P No I don't! lol I just like salt on my fries...and burgers...and yeah...lol
That was my day. And I still gots stuffs to do's. :)
God Bless!