Hello all.
It all started off good!!! I had no homework today. I took a career assessment that was pretty spot-on. I went to Bdubs (Buffalo Wild Wings) for the first time ever (I ordered 8 boneless teriyaki...not good) and got hats and learned what a...something gross was. Then called several people including Natalie, Mom, and Julie (and not Julie...called up "Julies cell" on my phone..."Hello?" "Hey what's up?" "Your mom." "What?" Call ended.)
BUT NOW!!!!!!!!!
First, before I watch The Vampire Diaries, I get a call from Suzanne and she's all sad. I wonder what's up (since I have all this energy from Bdubs and impatience from waiting for TVD--had to wait to watch it because friend was watching a different show...I don't do waiting for TVD well sorry).
It turns out Jason's witch of a mother basically said "Suzanne drove all this way for nothing. *glare and grab* My son! I'm not sharing!" Wow. Way to be a Christian, Jason's mom. That is so RUDE AND UNCOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You know what? I'm going to call his mother Bonnie. Oh yeah. I went there. Like from TVD! Judgemental and cranky. Take a FREAKIN' CHILL PILL, Bonnie!!!!!!! And I don't even know her!!! If that so called "mother" *scoffs* does that...and knows all the preparation and money and time and pining done...well, what an uncaring, selfish, sheltering beast. She makes Hitler seem like Jesus (wow! intense!) at the moment.
But from the moment Suzanne uttered those words, I was pissed. What kind of a mother does that!??!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!? I am STILL pissed.
Which brings me to The Vampire Diaries. What an episode! Anyone who follows me on twitter would be like..."Dudette. Chill. It's just a show." But I'm all like "NAHH! Leave me alone to cry and scream and shout at the computer screen (because I have to watch it online)."
I don't even want to start on it...I'm sick of so much! (But I'll rant a bit anyways) We need more Delena! JP and KW say it'll be a slow build-up...well YEAH DUH!! That's because the pair gets like, what, 30 seconds (and it's going down!!!!) of screen time alone together PER episode!!! That is just NOT right. So of course it's a "slow" build-up because they really have nothing to build upon!!! They aren't given time to do so!!
And Bonnie...well...if you like her...don't read this. She's a freaking WITCH!!!!! Ergh!!!! She is SUCH A hypocrite! And...I...just don't like her attitude toward Elena and Damon. She wants the world to revolve around her. "Elena, you're choosing Caroline over me." "Caroline is a vampire, therefore I won't even look at her." Bonnie, Caroline is STILL a person!!! With overly intense emotions right now!!!!! At least Bonnie had a minuscule amoeba-sized moment of redemption when she let Caroline go with her to the well. Props for that. But still...
Yeah...and Katherine is still totally BA.
I...need to get out of my room. And August Burns Red is playing. Suzanne was right. That does help.
I need to go somewhere and SCREAM!!!!!!!!!!!
God Bless!
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