Wednesday, October 13, 2010

I'm In A Desk

Hello all!

It's been forever! I'm sorry. I've been so busy! Well, as my title says, I'm in class. Archaeology to be exact.

Um, my classes are going all right. I got moved up in German! But I got moved from 6:30 at night to 8:30 in the morning (ick).

Our floor won the Homecoming decorating contest! But we lost the Homecoming game.

Homecoming week was busy! So much happening! I missed the Harvest Ball because I had to work :(. Then, there was the Johnny Holm dance...awkward!! Sooo...much grinding...*shudders*

What else? Oh! I'm involved with a Secret Reaper thing...basically a Secret Santa but for Halloween. My victim is from Texas and all he said for his likes was "harvest haunt" stuff.

Roomie and I get along great...except when it comes to religion. She says she believes in a higher being, but also in reincarnation.

Oh! I told a floor mate about Creation! She had never heard of how God created the Earth before. She was fascinated and seemed to really take in what I told her! It was such an amazing feeling!

Hmm...I can go through classes...
Oral Comm: I've bombed a speech on Walt Disney and Joe Mauer. And we've already had the midterm in that class. When practicing in the laundry room last night, someone came in and it turned out that she had had my prof last year and wanted to warn me about the midsem, but was too late.
Global Lit: Read poems (ones by Irish poets) about Easter 1916, rape, and "poems" that did not rhyme.
Wellness: Only two more classes left! It's been easy. We've been talking about alcohol for the past couple class periods. Now, we're moving on to spirituality. Yesterday, we talked about what the Bible says about relationships and sex. I was in awe and excited to have FINALLY brought the Bible into class and hear God's word and regulations. I'd rather not end this class at midsem...I'd rather OC end...
German: We just tested and I was in between 112 and 211. I really, really liked 211 and had fun, but my poor vocab prevented me from understanding what the prof and other people were saying. Also, there were really nice people in the class (and two or three cute boys!). But in 112, it's easy, but a lot of work. I understand more, but the class is so early! (But there is a cute guy-possibly two lol). I only missed this class once because I wasn't informed of the correct time for class.
Archaeology: Easy peasy lemon squeezey. Just work. It is common sense. We've been doing "research" papers, but I've starting them the night before and finishing up the morning of. And getting A's on the papers. I accidentally slept through one class of this (not in class).

Doing Pet Awareness stuff today...hope I can find the meet together place...

Um, that's it for now...I think...hopefully more later...and more interesting...

God Bless!

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